Mason S. Russell
Mason S. Russell
Mason S. Russell
Developer and Pilot

Find out who I am

About Me


During my studies at Oklahoma State, I interned at a variety of companies, from small businesses at TechTrol Inc, to a Fortune 500 at ExxonMobil, and in between with a medium-sized consulting firm in Credera. Most Recently I was an Analyst/Developer for Engineering at American Airlines in the CASS and Quality Assurance groups.


While at American Airlines, I was working with the Intelex platform, as well as automating tasks within the group using Python. I also have experience developing in Java, Kotlin, C#, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, and SQl. While working with these languages I have used Android Studio, xCode, Google Firebase, Visual Studio, Git, Splunk, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux


While at Oklahoma State, I was a member of the Student Government Association Senate, serving as the Senate Vice-Chair and Budget Committee Chair. Along with SGA, I was a member of the Business Student Council and Collegiete Cyber Defense Competition Team. During the summers, I volunteered with Camp Cowboy as a Counselor for Incoming Freshmen.


I have a passion for aviation, holidng a Private Pilot Certificate and working on my Instrument Rating. I love all aspects of it, from general aviation to space. I would love to find a place where I can combine my passions for technology and aviation.


First Place - Oklahoma State App Center From Research to App Competition

For Work on the Fire Dynamics Calculator

First Place - ConocoPhillips Innovation Challenge

For an IoT proof of concept scale model

Top Ten Freshman Men


What I Have Developed

Humanity Connect

Humanity Connect is a cross-platform social media application for Humanity Hospice.

Fire Dynamics Calculator

Fire Dynamics Calculator will help Fire Protection Investigator professionals and student in common fire scene calculations needed to accurately identify key statistics on scene. Fire Dynamics is currenly in the process of being published to the Play Store.



Looking for a developer? Lets get in touch!

Houston, TX, US
